Photos Entered in 2010 Photo Contest = 52. Click on thumbnail to view larger image.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo and to our judges Eileen Lawton, Gail Marie Nauen, and Virginia Lewis
You are invited to share your admiration of the Myles Standish State Forest by taking part in the Friends of Myles Standish amateur photography contest. Your photos may capture a memorable event, a recreational scene, plant or animal seen in the forest, or a beautiful landscape. Historic photographs will be also accepted in a separate vintage category. Entries must be submitted between April 1 and September 1, 2010.
Please mail photographs to: Friends MSSF, P.O. Box 1199, Plymouth, MA 02360. Download Entry Form
or send jpeg image to:
Rules and agreements: Entries must be submitted between April 1 and September 15, 2009. Photos will be displayed at the Annual Take Me Fishin' Festival at Fearing Pond on September 26, 2009 and the FMSSF’s online gallery. Winners will receive award certificates. Winning entries will become part of a display for future showings. Limit of 3 photos per category. By submitting an entry, each entrant agrees to allow FMSSF to keep a copy of the photograph in our database and to use it for future educational or promotional purposes. The contest is open to everyone, including FMSSF members. A competent, independent jury will choose winners from “blind” entries. Good luck!